Miriam Cahn
Miriam Cahn, born1949 in Basel, is an important contemporary artist. She is a figurative painter, often working with charcoal, pastels, installations and performances. Her work often depicts themes such as the role of women or war and its representation in the media. In her early work she mostly used charcoal as a medium, then introducing colour into her oeuvre after making a series of A-bomb paintings using only watercolors. Her work is represented in museums such as the MoMa New York and the Tate Modern in London. She participated in the Venice biennale in 2022 and also took part in Documenta 14 in Kassel. She has had solo exhibitions in museums like the Gegenwartskunstmuseum Basel in 2003 and more recently, in 2019, she had a traveling exhibition between the Kunstmuseum Bern and the Haus der Kunst in Munich.